Species & Habitat


The Species at Risk (SAR) database is a site-series based management tool developed specifically for the Biogeoclimatic Ecosystem Classification (BEC) variants within a particular Timber Supply Area (TSA). The database employs TRIM, FCI (Forest Cover Inventory), and PEM variables and data for potential Species at Risk habitat mapping and GIS analyses.

Sar Database Model  


SAR database


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Barn Owl

The key functions of the database are:

  1. To alert forest professionals and operators of the potential occurrence of Species at Risk (SAR) within specific BEC variants, within a TSA of interest, and
  2. To provide habitat management gurides at the cutblock level specific to that particular variant within the selected TSA.

Automated in MS Access, the SAR database has been structured to provide both detailed information for office use and summarized management information in the form of a field card. The field card provides both the indentifier features for a particulat variant, and a management guide for each SAR.

The potential occurence of a SAR within a particular variant is established through the identification of that species' habitat capability (terrain) and suitability (forest cover or grassland features, depending on the species). If the unique suite of requisite features indicated on the field card is present, the management guide provided is then followed. The indicated management guide directs the user with a set of cover features, depending on the species). If the unique suite of requisite features indicated on the field card is present, the management guide provided is then followed. The indicated management guide directs the user with a set of cover features that should be retained and how (partial cut vs. clearcut with reserves, WTP or reserve design, access development, etc) as well as where, in terms of terrain features (ie: riparian, steep south aspect slopes, etc), when relevant.

Great Green Heron Burrowing Owl GrizzlyBear

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